sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011

Texture Tuesday - Gardening

This week theme proposed by Kim , on Texture Tuesday , is GARDENING .
Here is my post , processed with one of her's beautiful textures , called ,, just cause '' , aplied three times .


6 comentarii:

  1. Ce imbinare interesanta de forme... si culorile merg bine impreuna. Imi place.

  2. The colors on your photo are so beautiful and holds my interest as well!
    Thank you for stopping by my Blog 8]
    I am your newest follower!

  3. I used to have some orchids of my own planted in a watering can too, but a more traditional silver, which presents a nice backdrop for the brilliant pink and purple orchids it hosted... I miss it so much!

  4. Beautiful and I love that bird statue.
